
legendre transformation中文是什么意思

  • 勒壤得转换
  • 勒让德变换



  • 例句与用法
  • In order to avoid the difficulty in computing the general inverse of flexible matrix in legendre transformation , this paper studies the mixed coordinates formulation for some quadrilateral plate bending elements instead of fully formulating in ( e , n ) plane for their original plane elasticity elements
  • In this paper , we convert the complex third order eigenvalue problems into the real third order eigenvalue problems . then , based on the euler - lagrange equation and legendre transformation , a reasonable jacobi - ostrogredsky coordinate system have been found , then using nonlinear method , the lax pairs of the real bargrnann and neumann system are nonlinearized , so as to be a new finite - dimensional integrable hamilton system in the liouville sense is generated . moreover , the involutive representations of the solution for the evolution equations are obtained
    本文将复的三阶特征值问题转化为实的三阶特征值问题,利用euler - lagrange方程和legendre变换,找到一组合理的实的jacobi - ostrogredsky坐标系,从而找到与之相关的实化系统,再利用曹策问教授的非线性化方法,分别将三阶特征值问题及相应的lax对进行非线性化,从而得到bargmann势和neumann势约束系统,并证明它们是liouville意义下的完全可积系统,进而给出了bargmann系统和neumann系统的对合解。
  • In this paper , by means of the euler systems on the symplectic manifold , the bargmann system and the neumann system for the 4f / lorder eigenvalue problems : are gained . then the lax pairs for them are nonlinearized respectively under the bargmann constraint and the neumann constraint . by means of this and based on the euler - lagrange function and legendre transformations , the reasonable jacobi - ostrogradsky coordinate systems are found , which can also be realized
    本文主要通过流形上的euler系统,讨论四阶特征值问题所对应的bargmann系统和neumann系统,借助于lax对非线性化及euler - lagrange方程和legendre变换,构造一组合理的且可实化的jacobi - ostrogradsky坐标系? hamilton正则坐标系,将由lagrange力学描述的动力系统转化为辛空间( r ~ ( 8n ) , )上的hamillton正则系统。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
legendre transformation的中文翻译,legendre transformation是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译legendre transformation,legendre transformation的中文意思,legendre transformation的中文legendre transformation in Chineselegendre transformation的中文legendre transformation怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
